One solution serves more than one field

Find out where Drdsh live is used.

Drdsh Live for Car Dealers

Most visitors prefer a quick way to communicate when they buy a new car or car parts, so they don't have time to send an email and wait for a reply. Drdsh Live will help you confirm what they're looking for and provide complete information about your products.


Drdsh Live for online stores

Drdsh Live helps boost sales by a large percentage, as customers buy more products when they get instant support.


Drdsh Live for Desktop

Drdsh Live allows you to provide faster help via your desktop to more than one customer at the same time without any problems. Customers want to communicate via instant chat instead of emails or Phone calls.


Drdsh Live for web services

Make your first goal to gain customer trust by developing a support service and focusing on one tool that the customer prefers so as not to distract him. And collect all the data needed to measure and improve the customer experience using Drdsh Live API.


Drdsh Live for Foreign Exchange

There is no need to hire multiple employees and use multiple phone numbers to cover the digital currency audience from all over the world, It is enough to communicate with them via Drdsh Live, it displays detailed data on each visitor such as name, country and time to facilitate their service.


Drdsh Live for Recruitment

Always keep in touch with your customers even when they use your app, and let them talk to you from everywhere via Drdsh Live.


Drdsh Live for Travel Companies

Provide your customers with detailed information about places, prices, weather and accommodation and help them determine the right place to travel according to their needs. You'll feel the difference, and your sales will double with Drdsh Live.


Drdsh Live For Schools And Universities

Help current and future students and parents by chatting with them live and answering their questions, to enhance trust and build a strong relationship with them.

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