Connect With Your Customers Directly .

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 DRDSH live chat active customers desktop icon



Drdsh is an integrated communication system that brings you closer to your customers and helps you turn your visitors into real customers in a smart way.

  • Hello, My name is Noof, how can I assist you today?
  • Chat Avatar IconHello Ms. Noof,
  • Chat Avatar IconPlz update the order status.
  • Okay, plz share your order number.
  • Chat Avatar IconOrder number is 123456
  • Chat Avatar IconYour order has been shipped and will be deliver to you in 2-3 business days.
header chat loader icon
 DRDSH Live Chatbot

Trusted by2000+companies

 Drdsh live chat video preview

Enhance customer interaction and boost conversions with Drdsh, an intelligent communication system designed for seamless and efficient visitor engagement. It includes :

  • An intuitive and easy-to-use interface, ensuring that businesses can set up and manage the system with minimal technical expertise.
  • Optimize customer engagement and conversion rates with Drdsh, your smart communication system for real-time visitor interaction and support.
  • By automating customer support and engagement, Drdsh reduces the need for extensive human resources, lowering operational costs while maintaining high-quality service.
 DRDSH Live Chat Agent Web Panel View

Ticket System

Automatically generate tickets from customer inquiries and support requests.

Sort and prioritize tickets based on urgency and category to streamline resolution.

Monitor the status and progress of each ticket to ensure timely resolution.

Integrate tickets from various channels into a unified system.

Access detailed reports on ticket volume, resolution times, and agent performance.

Embedded Chat

Engage with customers instantly through live chat.

Utilize drdsh to provide quick and accurate responses to common queries.

Tailor the chat interface to match your brand’s look and feel.

Automatically invite visitors to chat based on their behavior and time spent on the site.

Save and review chat histories for quality control and training purposes.

 DRDSH Live Chat Agent Web Panel View
 DRDSH Live Chat Agent Web Panel View

Track Visitors

Monitor visitor activity on your website in real-time.

Gain insights into visitor behavior, such as pages visited and time spent on site.

Segment visitors based on their behavior, demographics, and interaction history.

Offer personalized interactions based on visitor data and past behavior.

Identify and prioritize high-potential leads for follow-up.


Manage all customer interactions from a single, user-friendly dashboard.

Access performance metrics and reports to evaluate agent efficiency.

Facilitate team collaboration with internal chat and note-sharing features.

Provide agents with training resources and support to improve their skills.

Control access to information and tools based on agent roles and responsibilities.

 DRDSH Live Chat Agent Web Panel View

Advantages of Drdsh


Increase sales

Drdsh Live serves your customers faster and positively affects your sales. Use Drdsh Live t to help visitors exactly when they need you, to increase the demand for your purchases.


Solve customer problems in a jiffy

Respond promptly to your site visitors' questions and make them feel important by using Drdsh Live.


Cut costs

AOne employee can respond to more than one customer at the same time, while maintaining customer satisfaction, which reduces service staff costs.


Gain customer confidence

Customers will feel your desire to help and care for them, your relationship with them will become strong, your business will grow and your sales will increase



Adding live chat on the site and having staff who specialize in answering queries will increase credibility.


Customer satisfaction

Customers need quick ways to get in touch with you and inquire about your services, and that's really what they'll find in Drdsh Live.

Smooth and Integrated

Drdsh is Designed in a modern, easy-to-use way, it receives your customers' messages and gives you the ability to respond directly via chat.

 Third party app integration icon Third party app integration icon Third party app integration icon

One-stop for all the businesses

Providing your customers with the best and required solutions isn`t easy. With DRDSH, you can make it happen. You don`t have to worry about improper Chat function in your business because we`ll provide the practical solutions to make it right. Our solutions cater to every business in their own way.




Customer Support













 Real-time Live Chat Application Workflow Diagram
Make your customers happy

Don't let your customers wait, and talk to them instantly via chat, it's more comfortable than the phone and faster than emails.

A new version is availableREFRESH